Thursday, March 20, 2014

Does 10 Estimates Keep You Honest..Follow Up Video.

Wow this blog post has gone viral through the Contractor Community.

I had the opportunity to interview the 10 estimates customer. He got to breakdown his thoughts and hiring process. Check the video out and leave some comments below..

Here is the original Post:

The Contractor Secret Weapon Weekly Podcast is growing. Here is the latest episode to help with Unique Selling Proposition. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sharing A Win..What does Success Look Like TO YOU?

This week was great. I wanted to share a win with you the devoted readers.

I got invited by my 4 year old(Gianna) to Daddy Daughter Luncheon at her school Wednesday.

I cleared my entire schedule from 10:30-12:30 to be able to spend about 30 minutes with her. The little chairs in her class were wayyy too low for me to go. I found a nice lunch spot against the wall.

I believe these moments last a lifetime in the memory bank for both of us. The monetary bank can take a back seat for a little. I consider this a win for multiple reasons:

  1. I have the flexibility to be able to do what I like, when I like to do it. 
  2. I have freedom from a time clock. 
  3. Freedom from a cubicle or driving to the same place everyday.
  4. Spending meaningful time with my daughter and family.
  5. Disconnecting from the phone or email to relax.
  6. The list goes on......
I would like you to notice that none of these are monetary successes. 

I think too many contractors get caught up in looking at success by the dollars in the bank account. If that's the case, I would advise you to reevaluate how you look at success. I decide to slow down and start taking it all in about a year ago and shifting what I considered a win to what matters.

At this luncheon there were 9 children who's parents couldn't make the luncheon. The children were put at a table together. While the other children who had parents got to hang out around the room and eat lunch together. Seeing the small children with no family was heartbreaking. I wanted to take at least 2 of the 9 or was hoping the teacher might buddy them up with other families. Didn't happen.

Share your WIN with me or give a thumbs up?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Does 10 Estimates Really Keep Everyone Honest?

Good Morning.

I attended a networking event this past Tuesday morning. One of the guys in the room told me how he just finished his roof and it was AWESOME.

He started telling me the features and warranties.

I stopped him and asked, "I thought you replaced your roof months ago?"

Response, "I got 10 estimates and couldn't decide."

As the scramble eggs projected out of my mouth..... 10 ESTIMATES..What do you need 10 for?

Response, "I wanted to keep everyone honest."

I was beside myself. He wasted everyone's time including his own. He didnt choose the lowest bidder. He didnt choose the highest. He made his decision based off What?

Does anyone else get this?

Please do me a favor for my sanity and leave a comment..

Click Here for most recent Podcast-Just Added Interview With Contractor Marketing Expert Pete Mitchell
