Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Dirty Epiphany..Four Small Words Can Change A Buyer.

I love to do Mud Runs with my wife and friends.

This past week we did the Rugged Maniac (Picture Above).

The event was first class when it comes to mud runs. Thousands of people, 26 obstacles, tons of mud and fun.

At this event there were sponsors all over the place. The tents were full except for the Air Force tent. I thought it was a little funny to see the Air Force and I wanted to chat. I watched from afar as people just walked right past the guy trying to hand out bags. The blue cheap bags that you get everywhere and nobody wants them.

I hear him asking, "HEY, would you like a bag?" 

I watched for 3 minutes and he started to get board and spin the bag and pace around.

I heard over the bull horn my race was starting.

I finished the race and headed back to sponsors covered in mud. I see a line to the Air Force tent. I am trying to see around the crowd, did someone fall down, I hear the same guy, "Hey, Would you like a bag for your dirty clothes?" 

Wow..The bags were going off the shelf. Three large boxes later he was empty. A big smile on his face.

My thought, how can I do this in my business?

Example: "Hey, I build homes" Who cares right.."Hey, I am your builder" Awful, some what desperate.
"Hey, Do you need more room for your family" Engagement

How can you apply this to your business? Give me your thoughts