Monday, February 3, 2014

Defining Your Target Market or Following Competitors Target Market?

This is a follow up to Rock Star Contractor Mindset from 1/31/14.

I grab the mail every week to look at competitor ads. Over the past 3-5 years there has been a National company that advertises windows. Specifically any size window for $189.00 installed. I am sure you'll have seen the ads or commercials. I don't know how they can make money at $189.

Shortly after this $189 phenomenon, I started seeing competitors (Mom and Pop Window companies) trying to compete against this large national brand. The Mom and Pop companies didn't do the research needed to sustain. They started to go after this low hanging fruit and mimic the advertisement only to find out there is no pot of GOLD at the end of the rainbow. Unfortunately, this still happens today in 2014.

My 3 suggestions:

  1. Take notes on competitors for ideas, dont copy there advertisements.
  2. Find your unique selling proposition. The large national brand above can install any size window for $189, that is unique. 
  3. Look at other industries for some ideas on how they target market. Some of the best ideas come from industries outside of Construction. Also, these companies outside of Construction aren't threatened when you call for questions.

The Mom and Pop's didn't last very long in the $189 arena and some went out of business. The others that made it through for little margins are glad to still be around.

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